I love graphs. Here is my weight so far...this graph I love a little less than usual. It’s reassuring to see that even though it fluctuates I am actually getting lighter, or was until life happened. Now to get over this slump that is undoing all my hard work, get back into the gym and off the chocolate biscuits.

I haven’t made much mention of my poor old deflated lungs since my initial posts. One reason was that I couldn’t think of any way to actually measure any improvement if indeed any was there to be measured.
Whilst I toyed with adding a peak flow meter to my collection of medical paraphernalia (I did get a suture kit today though. Score!) I decided for now to look at my times/distances on the paltry amount of cardio I do.
I was going to make some more pretty graphs, but my confidence in my cardio performance turned out to be premature. So I have some unpretty figures instead.
Rower: My limited amount of cardio involves two, two minute sets on the rower. On my first session I could only get 363 meters in the two minutes, my best result is currently 440meters.
X-trainer : I also do two sets on the cross trainer, this time for 500meters. My initial time, well the first one I recorded was 3.57mins, my best time2.55mins.
So the progress so far is scant. Time to up my weights, down the junk food... that is put down, not down my throat... and get this caboose into action.