The areas of my life that need a little tarting up are all areas where I have let the team down. Mainly due to my lack of motivation and inability to see anything through to completion some things have gotten out of hand. There are other things where I never developed the skills I needed and I am feeling it now.
So rather than do the sane thing and work on one thing to completion and move on to the next I am going to attempt to make incremental change to a variety of issues.
My doctor informs me that at 28 I have the lungs of a 40 year old.
I am a vegetarian with high cholesterol.
I am made predominantly made of a marshmallow like substance commonly known as fat. It has collected in an oh so flattering belt around my mid section. I have a hunch that this is because I do no exercise and live on take out and sweets... I could be wrong...
Using the Body Mass Index (as a guide only, flawed as it is) I am on the cusp of normal and overweight. At around 173cm I currently weigh 76kg. I would like to get down to around 70kg which places me closer to the middle of normal.

I can never find the time to do all the important things in my life because I'm too busy wasting it. I can't find the time to study (I'm a student) but somehow manage a disgusting amount of television and other various things that avoid actually doing anything.
I don't really have a routine.
I have piles of dreams and lists of things I need or want to do, but I lose them as quickly as I lose the motivation to start the first item on them.
My belongings are a mess. Half in overflowing boxes, the other half bulging out of storage spaces that lack any semblance of order.
I have a lot of things, probably a lot of wonderful things, but I don't use them because I don't know what I have or where it is.

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