Thursday, February 10, 2011


Given that I have already posted about health and time it would have been logical to post about stuff today (indeed that was my oh so obvious plan) but... some things have come up.

Firstly, last week I got a cold accompanied by mammoth and unrelenting amounts of coughing. Secondly, yesterday as I was being oh so good and walking down to the gym I tripped on some rubble and twisted my ankle. My ankles are weak as poorly made tea. Sometimes the get injured by a strong breeze.

I know this isn't at all interesting and I'm not going to waste your time whinging about it, but what was interesting (to me at least) was the way I used these things as an excuse to do nothing. Sure the coughing made it hard for me to do cardio, but I could have easily blasted through organising my stuff. My ankle isn't so bad. I know my useless little ankle well enough to know I need to stay off it and let it heal so I don't make it worse, but I could have worked my torso and arms at the gym, or even at home. I could have been sorting stuff while firmly planted on my derriere...

But I didn't. I used it to justify taking a holiday from my goals. A holiday which was in reality pretty boring.

So, now that I am reflecting on this I am going to try to be more aware of when I am just making excuses to get out of doing things.
What kind of excuses do you allow yourself to make to stop yourself from getting out there and achieving your goals and what techniques do you use to overcome them and get back on track?

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