Wednesday, March 2, 2011

See you holidays, it's been swell but the swelling's gone down.

After what has felt like a very non productive eternity I am going back to uni as of next Monday. This means that instead of dragging myself out of bed to face a day filled with nothing (much like this will now be running out the door in order to get to morning classes. And then frantically trying to squish study into as many moments a day as I can, getting burned out and watching tv instead... Well hopefully that last bit doesn't happen so much this semester.

The bare bones of my timetable looks a little something like this (sorry for the rubbish table, I don't know html):

Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun


Class Class Class

10 Class



1 Class



4 Class Class




I read somewhere that you should do about 2 hours study for each contact hour, but a) that would make for a 66 hour week b) last year I ended up needing significantly less study than this for the science units. So for the time being I'm blocking in 2 hours per contact hour for law subjects and 2 hours per subject per week for science - a neat 24 hours study time. Putting those in as well as travel time makes my timetable look like this:

Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun

Travel Travel Travel

9 Travel Class Class Class Study Study
10 Class Study
11 Study Study


1 Class

2 Study Class Study


4 Class Class
5 Travel
6 Study Travel Travel Travel



Honestly, this looks pretty intense to a slacker like me. It does have room for the gym, socialising and cooking which will hopefully preserve my health (especially mental health - gosh) but I'm not going to block them in yet because I want to see how this works and what times for the gym are going to be best for other people so I can have gym buddies sometimes.

I'm going to try and keep to my sleeping schedule. I haven't kept to it strictly yet (which will sure make next week a shock to the system) but my hours are much more regular than before.

Lastly in other time news, I have finally found time to tick something off my eternal to do list. I have never donated blood. After two false starts where I was too sick on the date to donate, I am all booked in for this Sunday. I am feeling fighting fit and looking forward to it. Still on my list is to donate bone marrow. That is a much scarier prospect - ouch - and not as quick set up so it will take a while. But I think it's really important.

Have any of you donated blood, marrow or anything else? What were your experiences like?

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